Category: .NET

Create and deploy different configurations for different environments in .NET Core

I recently had an issue when I tried to deploy the correct configuration for a .NET Core application. I managed to mix up the environment names used in the application itself, in IIS and in Octopus Deploy. The result was that none of my configuration files worked as expected, with errors everywhere.


Build, test and deploy a dotnet core website using Cake, TeamCity and Octopus Deploy

I have just completed setting up a simple deploy pipeline for a dotnet core project where I use TeamCity to build the project and run xUnit tests and then Octopus Deploy to deploy.


Xamarin: Reload an iOS CallKit call directory extension from the app

I you want to make a call directory extension for iOS, for identifying or blocking certain phone numbers, you need a way to reload the extension every time you want to add or remove from the list of phone numbers you are blocking.


How to create an iOS call directory extension in Xamarin for blocking thousands of phone numbers

A call directory extension is used to block or identify phone numbers on an iPhone, phone numbers the user don't have in their contact list.


Use C# interactive in Visual Studio to experiment with your code on the fly

I needed to quickly test a regular expression, and the new feature of Visual Studio 2015 came to the rescue: C# Interactive
